Mr You-know-who-you-are.
I'm so pissed off at you right now.
That if I see you this minute,
I'm gonna use the scissors and poke your damn nuts.
I WILL do that.
But YOU are sleeping right now.
For what?
Cause of your damn work tomorrow.
Work work work.
I'm so fucking angry with you.
That no words can/will/is able to appease my anger.
I will not not not talk to you anymore.
Go reflect on your actions.
I am so angry with you, I'm not telling you why i'm angry with you!
I hate you just so much.
Even if you come my house with 1000000 lollipops (gigantic ones),
I will still not not not forgive you!
Go eat crap, Mr You-know-who-you-are.
Bloody idiot.
Go shake your ass and die luhhhhhh.
From Mabel; with ♥
2:28 AM