I used to play the sax. and i suck at it. However, i totally love this song to bits. He is a great player! (: enjoy!
Nua-ed at home today (again). Woke up just in time for the 7pm show. Had mac for dinner.
Hmm. Recently, i felt that im becoming ambitious again. Like, i feel the need to really improve myself. To get a job that is satisfying for myself.
I don't wish to see myself looking back at my life. Thinking, what have I accomplished throughout my life. I don't need to see many awards. No, it isn't what i want.
What i want to see myself, living my life the way i want it. To be happy with my work. I don't want to feel that it's a drag going to work.
NO. I want to see myself, enjoying every single minute of my life. Life's too short for wasting time on sadness. (:
I simply cannot picture myself going for a job, that requires me to do things that i dislike. Be it sit in the office everyday till i die. I don't think i'll enjoy myself this way.
Yes, i agree that working is for money. To live, to play, to enjoy. BUT. If you enjoy your work as well. Don't you think it'll be fun too? (:
Bah. My random thoughts. Anyway, here are some pics that me and Bestie took.
Enjoy ~
From Mabel; with ♥
1:52 AM
Please leave a little LOVE!
No ripping anything off here.
This is my blog, so what i say goes. (:
Lastly, enjoy reading!