I like this song alot.. It can reali reflect how im feeling right now lo.
Quarrelled with him once again. He seemed kinda angry when i told him my fren's previous class is his present class.. He said he alr knew i was talkin to a guy. But thing is, when i talk abt wad i talked with my girl de frens, he doesnt even seem to care. So tell me, wad shud i do? One word : Hais.
It's not like i don't love him ya noe. But is like. I see things that is more than wad i noe. It just.. makes me confused all over agn. I saw a girl. "muacks" to him. So what reason is he giving me again? I reali dunno le..
Is this supposed to happen? No. So how? Maybe it's my fault. Maybe i souldnt hab went into him msn. then maybe i wouldnt have seen anything. then i would know nothing.
Maybe then.. I wouldnt feel so terrible. Nor as miserable as i m right now.
Shucks. Im having suicidal thoughts again. Forgt it. Dowan to think anymore. hais.
May I be forgetten.. Way back in the memories..
From Mabel; with ♥
7:37 PM
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